全国运动会是国家最高水平和规模最大的综合运动会,每四年举办一次。2025年第十五届全国运动会(十五运会)及全国第十二届残疾人运动会暨第九届特殊奥林匹克运动会(残特奥会)将分别于2025年11月9日至21日及2025年12月8日至15日举行,并首次由广东、香港及澳门三地共同承办。香港举办的项目包括十五运会的八个竞赛项目和一个群众赛事活动,及残特奥会的四个竞赛项目和一个大众项目。 The 15th National Games (NG) and the 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities (NGD) cum the 9th National Special Olympic Games (NSOG), which are the nation's top-tier and the largest national multi-sport events, will be held from 9-21 November 2025 and from 8-15 December 2025 respectively. The Games will be cohosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao for the first time. Hong Kong will organise eight competition events and one mass participation event under the NG; and four competition events as well as one mass participation event under the NGD and NSOG.
Hong Kong citizens can grasp this opportunity to support and take part in this national mega sports event!
To make the NG and the NGD cum NSOG a success, we need a committed team of enthusiastic volunteers to render support for a wide range of volunteer services, such as guest and athlete reception, spectator services, crowd control, logistics services, and catering management.
香港特别行政区政府文化体育及旅游局辖下的全国运动会香港赛区统筹办公室委任了义务工作发展局及香港志愿者协会成为「第十五届全国运动会香港赛区义工计划」(义工计划)的协作机构,负责策划及推展义工计划,包括义工招募、培训、义工管理等相关工作。 The National Games Coordination Office (Hong Kong) under the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau has appointed the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS) and Hong Kong Volunteers Association (HKVA) as the Assisting Organisations of the Hong Kong Volunteer Programme of the 15th NG (the Volunteer Programme). They will be responsible for the planning and implementation of the Volunteer Programme, including recruitment, training and management of volunteers.
只要你符合下列基本资格要求,由即日起至2024年9月20日可于此网站填写个人资料,登记申请成为香港赛区义工— If you are passionate in volunteering for these national events and meet the following basic requirements, sign up for the Volunteer Programme from now until 20 September 2024!
于2024年12月31日当天年满18岁,并持有有效香港身份证;HKID card holders aged 18 or above (as of December 31, 2024);
能操广东话及普通话;Proficient in Cantonese and Putonghua;
具一定体力和耐力以应付相关工作;With good physical strength and endurance to cope with various duties;
必须参加计划所提供的义工培训课程,包括约2天的实体培训及网上培训(出席率不少于70%);Willing to commit and attend the volunteer training, including but not limited to a two-day face-to-face training session and online training sessions, with over 70% of attendance rate;
于十五运会、残特奥会及相关活动举行期间,能够参与约3至5天的服务,包括十五运会及残特奥会赛事、群众赛事、各项赛事之测试赛及相关的大型活动等。Participate in 3 to 5 servicing days for different programmes during the event period of the 15th NG, the 12th NGD and the 9th NSOG, as well as other related activities.
我们将会于2024年8月至11月期间邀请合适的申请人出席面见遴选,并于2024年年底陆续通知申请结果。我们会为本义工计划下的义工购买保险、提供制服及交通津贴等,完成服务的义工并会获颁嘉许证书。我们诚邀热爱体育、热衷于社区服务的你加入我们的义工团队。 Eligible and suitable candidates will be shortlisted to attend an interview during the period between August to November 2024. Candidates will be notified of the interview result by phases starting from late 2024. Basic insurance coverage, uniforms and allowances will be provided to volunteers under this Volunteer Programme. Participants will receive a Certificate of Recognition after completion of the volunteer service. We sincerely invite volunteers who are passionate in sports and community service to join the Volunteer Programme!
两间协作机构均属非牟利机构,对组织及管理义工均有丰富的经验,当中义务工作发展局曾参与在香港举办的2009东亚运动会的义工计划,为赛事招募及管理约6 000名义工。而香港志愿者协会则在过往多年积极为内地活动提供义工服务(包括2010年广州亚运会、2011年深圳世界大学生运动会、2014年南京青年奥运会及2015年北京世界田径锦标赛等),在管理义工服务方面具有不少的相关经验。 AVS and HKVA are non-profit organisations with extensive experience in the organisation and management of volunteer service programmes. AVS actively collaborates with various partners to offer effective volunteer services across large-scale events, such as the 2009 East Asian Games, with a positive result of recruiting and managing around 6,000 volunteers for the event. HKVA has been active in providing volunteer service for major sports events in mainland China, including the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, 2011 Shenzhen Universiade, 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, and 2015 Beijing World Athletics Championships.
如你就上述义工计划有任何疑问,欢迎于办公时间内(星期一至五上午9时正至下午1时正;下午2时正至下午6时正;公众假期除外)向「第十五届全国运动会香港赛区义工计划」协作机构查询。 For enquiries, please contact us during office hours (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays, except public holidays)
有关「个人义工」查询:Enquiry Hotline (Individual Volunteer):
3622 5922
[email protected]
有关「团体义工」查询:Enquiry Hotline (Group Volunteer):
2328 6088
[email protected]
申请者必须于2024年12月31日年满18岁,并持有有效香港身份证;Applicants must be holders of a valid HKID card aged 18 or above (as of December 31, 2024);
请于提交申请前确认输入资料正确无误,申请者必须详阅声明内容;Please ensure all information provided is correct before submitting the application. Applicants must read the statements carefully;
如重覆提交申请,将以最新提交的资料为准,旧有登记资料将会被覆盖;For repeated applications, information submitted previously will be overwritten by newly submitted information;
如申请者提供的资料不完整,主办方及协作机构或许无法有效处理有关申请;If the information provided by the applicant is incomplete, the Organiser and Assisting Organisations may not be able to process the application;
申请非以先报先得形式进行。提交申请后,申请人需通过面试及背景审查并完成相关培训课程,方能成为合资格义工;Applications are not processed on a first-come-first-served basis. Once an application is submitted, the applicant must attend an interview and go through a background check, as well as complete corresponding training activities before officially being appointed as a qualified volunteer for the Volunteer Programme;
如申请者先后提交个人义工及团体义工申请,其申请将会被合併,统一视为团体义工的申请处理;If an applicant submits applications as both individual and group volunteers, the applications will be combined and considered as a group volunteer application;
每位申请者只可向一个团体申请成为团体义工。若透过多个团体提交申请,其申请将被视为无效,并取消有关资格;及Each applicant can only apply as a group volunteer under one organisation. If an applicant submits his/her group volunteer applications through different organisations, the applications will be regarded as invalid and may be disqualified; and
主办方有权修改计划内容及保留最终决定权。Information of the Volunteer Programme is subject to change by the Organiser and the decision of the Organiser shall be final and binding.